Help Japan! Il lavoro e il progetto dell’architetto Shigeru Ban.

Shigeru Ban al lavoro fra i terremotati (foto dal sito dell'architetto).
Shigeru Ban al lavoro fra i terremotati (foto dal sito dell'architetto).

Vi invito a visitare il sito del grande architetto giapponese Shigeru Ban e a conoscere il suo lavoro e i suoi progetti per aiutare le popolazioni colpite dalle catastrofi.


Emergency Support for JAPAN EARTHQUAKE and TSUNAMI

On March 11, 2011, 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck the Pacific coast of Tohoku, JAPAN.
We are currently preparing to deploy simple partitions for evacuees taking shelter at gymnasiums in the Tohoku region.
From now on, for people taking shelter in these sites, it is necessary to avoid distress from the lack of privacy and high density.
We ask for your support of this important disaster relief endeavor.
Donations made to the following account are very much appreciated. 

Bank:                The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. 
Branch:             Higashi Matsubara Branch
Account Name:   Voluntary Architects Network
Account No.:       3636723 (Futsuu)
Swift Code:         BOTKJPJT
Bank Address:     5-2-18 Matsubara, Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan 

IBAN code is not necessary for transactions from overseas.

Along with your contribution, please send us your contact information to our e-mail ( ) or FAX (+81 3 3324 6789)
for updates about this project. 


銀行名:             三菱東京UFJ 銀行、 東松原特別出張所
口座名:             ボランタリーケンチクカキコウ バンシゲル (ボランタリー建築家機構 坂茂)
口座番号:            普通 3636723


多くの皆様にご迷惑をお掛けし、 誠に申し訳ございません。

寄付していただいた方は、進行をお知らせしたいので、メール(または,FAX (03-3324-6789)まで、ご連絡先をお送り頂きますよう、お願い致します。


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